Friday, February 24, 2012



Beef master
Huge and heavy bearing, this hybrid starts to produce early in the season and just does not stop yielding record breaking fruits that can reach 1½ -2 pounds.  The solid and meaty flesh with very few seeds has an intense flavor that is perfect for burgers. Resistant to cracking, and many diseases, this is a must have in any garden.  For best results stake or cage so the plant can support the weight of it’s massive fruits. Indeterminate.

Bush champion
Bush Champion’ is the determinate form of the popular vine tomato ‘Champion’. An exceptionally early, round fruit on compact plant, this special variety was developed to honor Ball Seed Company's 100th year anniversary. While the compact plants grow only 24 inches tall, they yield plenty of big, meaty tomatoes that weigh in at 8 to 12 ounces. Their flavor is excellent, and the plants thrive in almost any type of climate. A great selection for large containers or small space gardens they can be grown staked or left to trail.

Better boy
Better Boy is a midseason variety that produces high yields of smooth textured fruit with excellent flavor continuously all season. The plump, juicy, deep red tomatoes with flesh that’s juicy, yet firm weigh 8-16 ounces. Heavy dense foliage cover protects fruits so they are less likely to get sun scald.  Perfect slicing tomato you only need one slice for a hamburger or sandwich. Indeterminate.

An all purpose tomato that grows on exceptionally strong plants.  The medium-large (7-8 ounce), 3 ½” globe shaped fruits are firm, smooth, deep red and exceptionally flavorful.  Celebrity is a good choice for slicing, making sauces and salsa or preserving. This AAS winner starts producing early-mid summer on strong vines.  Plant produces high yields of 8 ounce tomatoes all season long until frost. Determinate 

Sweet 100
Outstanding tomato for containers! Small round fruits are produced in long clusters of up to 100. The 1 inch tomatoes weighing about 1 oz. each grow on strong disease resistant vines. These bite size cherry tomatoes are super sweet and extra high in Vitamin C.  The plants bear fruit throughout the season and require staking or caging.  Indeterminate. Disease tolerant VF

Verbena Quartz: red eye and burgundy
Petunia: burgundy madness and purple

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2012 早春


Tuesday, February 21, 2012





2012.2.21种植日记: 一年生草本花

Kale 花叶卷心菜

petunia 矮牵牛

larkspur 燕飞草
bachelor button 矢车菊
marigold 万寿菊
sweet william 香石竹


Monday, February 13, 2012


Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeler's Dwarf'


petite orange Ixora

Saturday, February 11, 2012

DIY石园 池塘边部分



Mary Nell Holly
yaupon holly


Monday, February 6, 2012



stokes dwarf yaupon holly

variegated Chinese privet

purple leaf honeysuckle

rhaphiolepis indica

nandina domestica: heavenly bamboo


vinca minor

asparagus fern

color Kale


Thursday, February 2, 2012